8 Ways To Make a Great First Impression with Church Parking Lot Signage
24th Aug 2023
The first impression people get of your church, other than the church website, comes from the parking lot. How easy (or difficult) it is to find a parking space, locate children’s check-in, and find the main entrance are a few experiences that will leave a lasting impression on visitors. Placing clear signage in key traffic points of the parking lot can make it much easier for guests to find their way.
Here are several ideas for parking lot signage that can make your church parking lot a more welcoming and easy to navigate space:
#1 - Church Sign
Most churches have a large sign at the edge of the parking lot that includes the name of the church, worship service times, and possibly the name of the lead pastor. Some churches have electronic signs that they can program to rotate event announcements, Bible verses, and other messages.
Church plants or those with a smaller budget could use an outdoor vinyl banner to provide similar details. This sign brings visibility to the church and helps first-time guests know they’re in the right place.
#2 - Parking Spaces
In addition to the standard signs for handicapped parking spaces, consider placing signs to reserve spaces for first time guests or expectant mothers. Depending on the size of the parking lot, signs to direct full rows versus available rows might also be useful.
#3 - Main Entrance
Make it easy for church visitors to locate the main entrance with a large banner above or next to the main entrance is one way to ensure everyone knows where to come in first. Other options include yard signs or sidewalk signs (likely a better fit for mobile or small churches).
#4 - Welcome Signs
Provide a few greeters or parking lot attendants with handheld signs on Sunday morning to welcome guests to services. These are popular especially with kids, during Christmas and Easter, or other special events at the church. You can choose from our designs or create something custom for your church.
#5 - Light Pole Banners
Larger church facilities can be a bit intimidating for first-time visitors. Include light pole banners that display welcoming messages, reflect the current season, or share some of your church’s core values and beliefs. You can also use these banners to promote a sermon series or an upcoming outreach event.
#6 - Accessible Entrances
If the front entrance to your church building isn’t handicap accessible (or is under repair), place a few signs in the parking lot that direct visitors to the entrances that are more accessible. Signs next to the handicapped parking spaces are an ideal location. Of course, it’s best to make the main entrance accessible but proper signage to the right entrances is a good backup plan in the interim.
#7 - Sidewalk Signs
These portable signs a useful tool for a variety of purposes. You can use them to direct parents to children’s ministry check-in, indicate visitor parking spaces, show where Sunday school classes or new member classes will meet, and more.
Another way to use these signs is for promoting special events or service times. If your church is located on a busy city block or a main road, you might be able to place a few sidewalk signs that will get the attention of potential visitors walking by. Our sidewalk signs are made of heavy duty plastic and can be filled with water or sand to keep them upright.
#8 - Welcome Center
Most visitors feel a bit nervous or unsure of where to go during their initial visit. Create an inviting atmosphere by placing your first impressions volunteers at a central welcome center.
Use a few signs outside to direct visitors to that welcome center. Then, use a table throw or pop-up banner to make the welcome center easy to locate.
Ask a few volunteers and church leaders to walk the church parking lot with a guest's experience in mind.
Consider how a new visitor would locate a parking space, the front door, children's ministry check-in, and other key areas of the church.
- Is the parking lot easy for young families to navigate?
- Can a new visitor quickly locate the main entrance?
- Could someone driving by in their car quickly see when a worship service starts?
These all contribute to the first impression your church creates with potential visitors and first time guests.
Take a few moments to walk the campus and decide if it's time to make some changes to your church's signage. If you decide you need some new church banners, please reach out and we'd be happy to help.