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Why do my volunteers keep quitting?

Why do my volunteers keep quitting?

Posted by Adam on 15th Jan 2019

It's not always easy helping guide a volunteer army, and unfortunately, there is always some amount of turn over, but let's be clear that this isn't always just a volunteer issue; There are many organ … read more
Turn your morning coffee into an investment

Turn your morning coffee into an investment

6th Nov 2018

As much as we love to talk about the systems and structures that have to be in place to make an impact for your guests' first impression, those systems and structures only function if you've built a t … read more
The Power of a Smile

The Power of a Smile

Posted by Adam on 6th Jun 2018

Every church, large or small, has to properly handle budget, time and volunteers, and continue to decide how to use those resources to impact their members and their community.What if there was a simp … read more