"2 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them..”
-Acts 2:1-4 (NIV)
Our Pentecost Banners are inspired by this message from Acts 2:1-4 and are printed on our polyester fabric banner material.
The text on our Pentecost Banners can be customized free of charge. If you would like to add text to the designs that do not have any, no problem. Inside the "Custom Text" box located on the product page, just tell us what you want and we'll have a design proof for you to approve before the banner is printed.
Call 888.453.0060 or e-mail us at support@churchbanners.com to speak with one our design experts today.